San Francisco

Project developed by GMF Latinoamericana in order to generate carbon neutral beef.
The silvopastoral production model consists of integrating three components of production in the same space: livestock + pasture + trees.
The objective is to neutralize the emission of greenhouse gases generated during the production process, due to the presence of trees in integration systems of the silvopastoral or agrosilvopastoral type, through parameterized and audited processes.

Type: Silvopastoral

Location: Province of Misiones, Northeast Argentina.

Duration: 10-12 years.

Expected return (IRR): 12%

Planted species: Eucalyptus + Livestock

Global context: The new global economy proposes mixed models, new ways of thinking. The forestry-livestock production model or silvopastoral systems (SSP) consists of integrating in the same space the production of two products of primary need: meat and wood. We plant trees on the plots destined for grazing, without displacing livestock. Thus, the carbon sequestered by the tree component during its growth offsets the methane emissions from livestock.

Local context: This production model, already proven in the Argentine Mesopotamian region, can be extended to other livestock regions of the country. The future opportunity is to certify the production as “Carbon Neutral Meat”.


First carbon-neutral meat silvopastoral project in Argentina that allows:
• Take advantage of currently unused marginal and degraded areas.
• Diversify production by adding the forestry and livestock component in a sustainable way (with impact monitoring).
• Certify carbon credits to offset company emissions or sell them on the market.


Economic impact:
• Improvement in productive performance taking advantage of marginal areas.
• Diversification of Production.
• Development of new markets.
Social impact:
• Generation of more employment.
• Generation and Development of local knowledge (silvopastoral, CO2 measurement).
• Development of regional economies.
Environmental impact:
• CO2 capture.
• Soil restoration.
• Increase in biodiversity.
• Watershed protection.

Surface 86 hectares.
Location Province of Misiones.
Opportunities Take advantage of marginal areas, diversify and certify carbon credits to offset methane emissions
Baseline of the project High deforestation and advance of the agricultural frontier, loss of biodiversity and impoverishment of local communities.
Duration 10-12 years
Long-term sustainability Strategic alliances with local stakeholders and agreements with landowners, public entities and investors.